
Тихий уголок

Модераторы: +Priest+, Дохлый Койот, Shirsh

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Зарегистрирован: Пт, 30 мар 2007 17:39:07
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Сообщение KaiL »


вот с этого документа выложите текст сюда в тему пожалуста, у меня ворд слетел а текст этот очень нужен..
Чё уставился?
Light Guard
Сообщения: 936
Зарегистрирован: Пн, 06 окт 2008 18:32:03

Re: хелпаните..

Сообщение Light Guard »

Installing Trilogy in Windows

1. Insert Trilogy Disc 1 into your CD drive
2. The Setup prompt will appear: “This will install Trilogy. Do you wish to continue?” (If the prompt does not appear, go to “My Computer” and double-click on your CD icon, and run setup.exe)
3. Clicking “Yes” will initiate the Trilogy Setup Wizard prompt.
4. Clicking “Next” invokes the License Agreement along with some FAQ’s. Please take a moment to read these, and then click “Yes” to continue the installation of Trilogy.
5. Next appears the “Select Destination Directory” prompt. “C:\Program Files\Spectrasonics\Trilogy” is the default path, but you may make another of your own choosing here.
6. Clicking “Next” gives you the prompt for “Select Start Menu Folder”. “Spectrasonics\Trilogy” is the default, but you may also change this path if you wish, as well, to your own choosing.
7. Clicking “Next” brings the “Ready to Install” prompt. This will give you a recap for where you have chosen to create the “Destination directory” and “Start Menu” folder. If you are satisfied with your choices, click “Install”.
8. The “Installing” prompt will appear with a progress bar.
9. Once finished a Graphic of the Trilogy interface will appear. This is Stage 2: “Data file Joiner” This begins the process of assembling the 3.7Gb of data necessary for playing Trilogy. Click “Next”.
10. The prompt “Browse for Folder” appears. This is provided so that you may choose the destination for the data file to be installed. Choose your folder. Click “OK” (IMPORTANT- You may not move the data file after installation, if you decide that you would rather have the data file elsewhere, you must Uninstall Trilogy then Reinstall Trilogy and select a different folder/drive of your choosing)
11. If the destination drive you have chosen does not have 3.7Gb you will be given the prompt, “This disk does not have room for the 3.7 gigabyte datafile. Please select another disk.”
12. If you have chosen a drive with 3.7Gb or more disk space available, then the progress bar will indicate that the process is active until you receive a prompt to remove the current disc and insert the next disc (Disc 2). During about One hour you will be asked to insert Trilogy discs 2 through 6.
13. After Disc 6 is copied to your drive you will receive a confirmation prompt. Click “Finish” to exit the setup.

Moving the Trilogy.dll file

You may move or copy the Trilogy.dll file to the VST plug-in folder of your choice for the host application you wish to use Trilogy in. The installer created the initial Trilogy.dll in “C:\Program Files\Spectrasonics\Trilogy”.

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