Added Counter-Strike bots.
Added new bomb defusal map de_tides
Updated version of de_cbble to allow bots to navigate ladders
Updated version of cs_office. Fixes minor issue with projector
Updated version of de_dust2 to allow 40 players
Optimization to the way that dynamic props are checked. On higher end CPUs, this can result in more than a 5% total frame rate increase
Fixed bug where players would get twice the normal money at the start of a round
Weapon models are now checked at startup to make sure they are within limits for size
Fixed a bug that would allow a player to throw two flashbangs at once
Added “motdfile” cvar, which sets the filename for the message of the day on the server
Fixed logic that will automatically kick players for killing hostage or being idle for a long time
Обновление 151204-170105 (65Mb).
Имеется и полный патч (96.4Mb).
Тем, кто ставил предыдущий полный патч (от 15.12.04), достаточно скачать первое обновление. Последний полный патч от 17.01.05 включает все изменения с начала выхода первого релиза клиента (07.10.04) и ставится на любую версию, по крайней мере должен ставиться. На того клиента, что Тесей первоначально брал на узле, точно ставится.
Нащёт изменений- боты правда крутые, помойму уменя фреймрейт вырос, графа стала чётче(теперь 1152*864*макс*4хАА*8хAF не тормозит) мне теперь игруха понравилась. Кстати теперь с любой пушки можно издалека с присядки стрелять, точность сильно повышается.
*Added SLAM, Stunstick and Crowbar
*Added dm_steamlab
*Fixed game_score entity not awarding points
*Added team specific spawn points ( info_player_combine, info_player_rebel)
*Optimized weapon firing effects bandwidth usage
Source SDK
*Added source code for Half-Life 2 multiplayer (Run the 'Create a Mod' link)
*Added ability to create new shaders. See Authoring Shaders In Source for documentation
*Added new tool and source code of DemoTool.exe -- which shows the high-level structure of .dem files
*Added source code for Source Model Viewer included (src\utils\hlmviewer)
*Added source for Half-Life 2's Airboat model
*Fixed issues with Steam account names with ".."
*Fixed FacePoser flex sliders
*Hammer limits framerate in 3D views to 300fps -- eliminates overheating problems
Source Engine
*Fixed screenshots/save games being saved in the wrong place
*Fixed hang in rcon server
*Fixed server crash where banned players could retry/cancel quickly during connection
*Fixed crash when a user specifies a heapsize that is too large
*Fixed "play" command crashing on dedicated servers
*Fixed bspzip'd assets in maps not loading properly
*Added FCVAR_CHEAT to r_shadowids
*HLTV port/server can be completely disabled by command line parameter "-nohltv"
Location names are shown in radio/team chat, and under the radar
Server tickrate can be specified with -tickrate
Added radio command aliases
Added mp_humanteam cvar [any | ct | t] (forces human players onto specified team – useful for humans vs bots)
Added new “match” mode for bot_quota -- If bot_quota_mode = “match”, bot count = (human count) * bot_quota
Bots no longer automatically follow humans (bot_auto_follow now defaults to 0)
Bots are balanced before humans with mp_autoteambalance
Bots can open simple +use doors
Bots change their names to match the prefix when bot_prefix changes
Several improvements to bot behavior when paths become blocked -- solves problems specific to cs_havana
Bots won’t throw grenades if something is blocking their throw
Bots are better at only breaking objects that are in their way
Fixed bug where a bot occasionally “dithered” rapidly between two or more targets without firing
bot_kick and bot_kill console commands use the bot's base name without the bot_prefix
de_piranesi - bots avoid the breakable crates better.
A bomb exploding just as the round restarts no longer kills players at the start of the next round
Grenades being thrown when the player dies no longer disappear
Increased mp_limitteams bounds to 0-30, where 0 will disable this functionality
Players’ arms and hands can be hit by bullets now
Target ID font is proportional, and it doesn't resize incorrectly after a resolution change
Overviews don't show player locations when mp_fadetoblack is on
Players with spaces in their names can be selected in the spectator GUI
Observers can change their name at round restart
Throwing a grenade right at round restart no longer results in holding a “ghost” grenade viewmodel at respawn
Source Engine
Fixed a bug where snd_mixahead was not working properly. Should fix some sound popping problems for certain sound hardware when running at a low framerate
Added support for a new surround sound buffering technique that streams six discrete channels instead of using DirectSound3D. Use snd_digital_surround in the console to enable this. This allows for support of Dolby Digital 5.1 on nForce2 hardware
Allow mp3 playback at rates other than 44100Hz. This was requested by the MOD community
Master Server Query Protocol
Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries * setting "sv_enableoldqueries" to 1 (default) allows old style (no challenge/response) queries to work. By default queries don't require a challenge number for clients on the same B class network, change "sv_allowlocalquery" to 0 to disable this functionality
Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string "Source Engine Query" appended to the end of the query packet.
Нет, но модель контровика обновили - оригинально :) хотя, в CSS всё оригинально ;)
Так давайте переходить, раз уж CD не справляется со своими обязанностями. А вот в CSS наоборот, в скором времени выйдет VAC2 - супер-пупер анти-чит нового поколения 8D
Последний раз редактировалось Tesey Вс, 06 мар 2005 12:28:16, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Fixed an issue which was affecting player movement prediction
Stopped players on de_dust2 being able to hide inside of rocks
Added clipbrushes to de_train to prevent players from reaching certain areas
Enabled bots to navigate their way out of the carts in cs_compound
Source Engine (game server changes)
Added "stats" command to print the current cpu usage, players and net bandwidth in use
Fixed rcon responses to properly reflect request id's
Added rate-limiting to connectionless queries to prevent flooding (as in HL1, the rate-limiting is controlled via the cvars: sv_max_queries_sec, sv_max_queries_sec_global, and sv_max_queries_window)
Removed sv_allowlocalquery cvar
Source SDK
Added Snow and rain materials
Added qc_eyes.exe
Made various improvements and fixes to .FGD files
Fixed an issue in Vrad which was causing visible artifacts when lighting very large objects/areas
Fixed an issue in Studiomdl which was allowing bad $modelnames to be used
14 меговый я ещё не качал и не ставил, но все другие патчи есть, не хватает там текстуры в de_train, как я понял текстура там должна быть типа вспышки, вообщем lens flare, незнаю как оно по русски будет...